Thursday, December 17, 2015

Home Exchange...every wondered how to travel this way??

So the winter holidays are here and with the spare time that often comes with them come thoughts of the coming summer and where to go…at least that’s what I do when the frenzy of shopping and relatives is over. Where do I want to go next summer? What part of the world do I want to explore? Do I want a pool? Beach? Mountains? City? That’s when I begin my search…the perfect people to trade houses with. And that’s when I begin to hear from others with the same thought. They are also looking for an ideal location to spend their summer and my location may be just what they are looking for!

If you like to travel you’ve probably heard of home exchange. Swapping homes with people. Trading lives. Stepping into a country as more than just a tourist. Living in a community and getting to understand a place more than you would if you stayed in a hotel. Experiencing a place not just as a visitor but living in a neighborhood, shopping for groceries, interacting with the neighbors, taking out the trash - a more immersive experience to be sure!

The first question I am always asked when people find out I exchange homes is, “Aren’t you worried about your stuff?”. Well, not really. Strangers are living in my home but I’m also living in theirs! It’s a matter of trust. In 13 exchanges over 7 years that trust has never been betrayed or even mildly challenged. Our home is always returned to us in the same condition as we left it, if not sometimes a little better!

As I continue to write, I’ll be covering topics such as how to find an exchange, pets, logistics, communication to avoid surprises, preparing your home, car exchange (or not?!) and how to help your home exchange partner get the most out of their time in your home. If you are wondering anything specific, feel free to ask! I love helping people travel this way and think it’s a piece of the sharing economy that improves understanding and enjoyment of the world on the part of both parties.

I hope you enjoy reading what I share!

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