Saturday, January 30, 2016

Home Exchange Offers in January!

So January is the first month when most people start sending out home exchange offers. If this year is like years past, we will begin to get multiple offers per day from all over the world very soon. People from places we have listed as preferences on our home exchange page will be where most of them are from.

The fun ones though, are the offers from crazy places we have never considered going. Our best home exchange ever was 5 weeks in Thailand - and we had never even thought of that as a destination for our summer vacation before we received an offer of home exchange and decided to go for it! Other wild places we have received offers from include Namibia, coastal Turkey, Tenerife, India, Kenya, and Russia just to name a few. We wanted to go to all of them but, alas, reality limits the loveliness of dreams.....

This year though, for the month of January, here are the home exchange offers we have received...

The Hague, the Netherlands
Albi, France + their vacation cottage on the Mediterranean
Portland, Oregon, USA
Budapest, Hungary
Nantes, France
Antwerp, Belgium
Oxford, England - a thatched home!
Toulouges, France
Copenhagen, Denmark
Montpellier, France
Jagerspris, Denmark
Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2 offers here)
Strasbourg, France
Barcelona, Spain

...and it's only the end of January! The home exchange offer season still has many months to go.
Any one of these fantastic homes would be a great place to spend our family vacation this summer!

Want to find out how to have your own list of offers like this??
Then keep reading down the page.

I'll be posting the next entry within the next day or two.
The topic? How to narrow down your offers and what to discuss with potential home exchange partners before you agree to an actual exchange.

Stay tuned!

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